Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Something we should all hear

Man has been in an excess yang state for a long time, maybe hundreds of years.  It is time for some balance.  Remember all correction needs to be made to the center.  Live and eat in the center of the spectrum for your geographical area.

Realize balance now.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A list of known satisfiers

Today I would like to look at the way cravings work in a little more depth.  When yin and yang get out of balance, the aspect that is in excess creates a need for the other aspect to bring it into balance.  In other words, if you are too yang, your body will crave yin.  If your body is too yin, you will crave yang.  Remember the body can be excess yin and yang at the same time.

Most food vendors know this intuitively.  It is the reason that bars give away free popcorn because they know that the salt will make you crave their alcoholic beverages.  If you look at the grocery store and observe how much shelf space is devoted to foods in the middle of the yin and yang spectrum as opposed to the shelf space devoted to foods that are at the extreme ends of the spectrum you will begin to see the enormity of the problem.

Food advertising works on these imbalances.  Food advertisers know that you have developed a list of known satisfiers that have satisfied your cravings in the past.  When you are craving yang and a big mac or a pizza appears on your tv screen you scan your list of known satisfiers to see if what you are watching is on your list.  If it is, you are very likely to make an appointment with yourself to meet up with that particular food in the near future.

How do foods get on our list of know satisfiers?  Food advertising often motivates us to try a food that we have not tried before to see if it qualifies for our list.  Peers often pressure us into trying foods or other substances and then if the craving is present, our list is often updated.  This is how drug dealers work.  They give you a free sample so that your list of known satisfiers gets updated.  Once there, if the opportunity presents itself we are ready to use that food again to satisfy our craving.  Eating in a balanced way removes these cravings and allows us to take control of our lives.

Thanks for reading.

Be straight with yourself

The other day I overheard a conversation about diet and weight loss.  I was at a senior citizens center which I frequent to play table tennis.  A man, who is about 70 years of age, was talking about diet and weight.  He was saying that he had recently lost some weight to get down to about 180 lbs but then he had gained it all back and now weighed 206 lbs.  He was complaining about back pain and how it prevented him from exercising.  Then he said "I just love to eat and I can't find any food that I don't like."

This is an example of a person who is driven by his cravings.  This is an out of balance condition that is ruling this person's life.  He is not in control of his life, his cravings are in control.

My guru once said, "If you can't be straight with the world, at least be straight with yourself."  Sometimes we go through life and we rationalize our behavior by lying to ourselves.  Part of this is due to the ignorance of the yin and yang system which creates these cravings.  Perhaps if we knew the mechanism that was working on us we would be more able to be truthful about a possible solution.  This is why it is so important to understand the dynamics of the creation around us and to utilize the tools of balance that we have been given.

We can take this situation and improve on it by moving our diet towards the middle of the yin and yang spectrum.  That means adding more whole grains and whole grain products, more vegetables, more bean products, more sea vegetables, and more fruit.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Flu shots

I attended a senior citizen health care fair at my local center this morning and they were providing flu shots, of course.  Now before I changed my diet and lifestyle, I used to get the flu just like many other people.  That was before flu shots were available.  Since 1987 or so, I have not had the flu or anything remotely like the flu.  Why is that?

The reason is that I discovered what flu actually is.  Flu is an attempt by the body to discharge large amounts of excess that have built up over the summer season.  Flu may be triggered by various factors but the actual cause of the episode is the excess that the body needs to get rid of to balance itself.  Now the rule is, "No excess, no discharge."   So, after I changed my diet and started to balance my system, I went through a period of discharge but I came to a point where I had very little excess of any kind within my body system.  At that point I became basically immune to the flu and I have not had it since.

This system works so well that it is easy to get overconfident so beware.  I caution you not to become arrogant about your health because defects to your application of a good system can cause you problems.  Use a lot of common sense and get regular check ups with your doctor.

Get balanced, and you won't need that flu shot.

Thanks for reading.