Monday, September 5, 2011

Rice is in the center.

We discussed in a previous post about whole grain brown rice and how, in the temperate zone, it is in the middle of the yin and yang spectrum.  We learned that rice therefore brings balance to the human organism.  So, having learned this, we would expect rice to have a special place in many cultures in recognition of its central role in the diet in much of the world.  Indeed, rice is worshiped as a god in some cultures.  There are rice goddesses worshiped in many southeast Asian countries.  In India rice is so woven into the fabric of the culture that it is the first solid food given to babies.  It is showered on newlyweds as a sign of prosperity even in the United States.

When I started practicing yoga in 2001, I was exposed to a ceremony called Guru Puja.  This is a ceremony of gift giving to the past masters and gurus that have walked the earth.  It is also called "16 ways to treat a Guru".  I was interested to observe that of the many gifts that are presented, rice is not only one of them, but it is the element that is set in the center of the puja set up, and if there is an element missing, rice is substituted for the missing element.  So rice is recognized as the center of life itself.  This is a beautiful expression of the balance that rice brings to life.

I am sure there are many other ways that rice is celebrated for its life giving role in many cultures.  Please share some of them in the comments if you are aware of some.

Thanks for reading.

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