Thursday, October 3, 2013

Yoga teacher

At the end of last year I completed six months of intense preparation and practice of hata yoga at the Isha Yoga Center in South India.  Since that time I have been establishing a teaching practice and have had the honour to teach many friends and fellow meditators new practices from hata yoga.  Many of these practices have a profound balancing effect on the human system and bring stability to the body and stillness to the mind.

In my travels this past year I have encountered many people who dispite practicing extensive yoga, are still struggling with issues of imbalance on a daily basis.  They have blood sugar issues or have difficulty sleeping.  They carry too much weight or they suffer from anxiety.  They are stressed or angry often.  Many of these issues can be significantly helped by proper yoga.  But proper yoga with the support of a lifestyle that brings balance is much more effective at bringing about transformation.  

So I remain committed to contribute in both ways to the evolving balance of my community by continuing to share the technology of balance both thru diet and lifestyle and through the practice of yoga.  I deliver yoga through my company Spiritual Yoga of Southwest Ohio.  Our website is Please contact us if we can be of service to you.

Thanks for reading


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