The body has many built in defense mechanisms to protect itself from our lack of proper management. One of the most powerful is discharge. Discharge is the body's way of rebalancing yin and yang. When a person cuts an onion, they are exposed to an extreme yin substance. If the body is already in an excess yin state, then the body will discharge yin. So the person's eyes will water and sting. Another common example is when a person eats a food that is very spicy. The spice is extreme yin and if the person has excess yin accumulated in the body, their nose will run. This is an example of an immediate discharge of excess yin which rebalances the body by getting rid of the excess. The rule of nature says, "No excess, no discharge." This means that if your body is in a balanced state it won't react to these substances.
There are many forms of discharge. What you call a cold or flu is simply the body's way of discharging excess yin and yang. It is a mechanism to get rid of toxic substances that have built up in the body over a period of time. These discharge mechanisms can be triggered in many ways. Starting to eat a balanced diet can trigger discharge as the body starts to balance. As the body begins to balance, it wants to get rid of any excess, both yin and yang.
Yin has a tendency to rise in the body and is usually discharged upward. Yang has a tendency to sink in the body and so is usually discharged downward. So, for instance, if your nose is running, this indicates a yin discharge. Headache is another discharge mechanism and is a yin discharge. Whereas congestion in the chest is a yang discharge. Normal elimination is also a significant discharge. Exhalation is another significant way in which the body eliminates toxins from its tissue. Skin is primarily a discharge organ. Perspiration is the main way that it operates. When the tissue beneath the skin becomes clogged with excess then skin eruptions will occur. This is why it is important to keep the skin well stimulated, i.e. with scrubbing, so that the pores can let the needed excess escape. Exercise and activity in general is another way the body uses excess yin and yang. People who are hyperactive are exhibiting excess yang.
In a situation where a person is eating an extreme yin and extreme yang diet, such as the typical American diet, the body can become excess yin and excess yang at the same time. This condition can overwhelm the various discharge mechanisms used by the body. When these discharge mechanisms become overwhelmed, excess can stagnate in the body and these stagnations can result in many chronic conditions such as arthritis, gout, athletes foot, hemorrhoids, etc.
It is very important to allow the body to maintain a balanced condition. This allows us to avoid many of these discharge incidents.
When my son was maybe four or five, he started having chronic ear infections. We tried all kinds of remedies prescribed by our doctor. His grandfather was a pediatrician so we got plenty of good medical advice. But the real issue was excess that the body was trying to get rid of through the ear canal. Had we known how to balance his body at that time we could have avoided all of those problems.
Another example occurred with my son as well. He would get these monster migraine headaches. Eventually I began to recognize a pattern to the onset of these migraines. They would happen when he would eat sugar during the afternoon and then supper would be late. If supper was late, he would begin a headache and would be down till the next day. As I began to learn about balancing yin and yang, I tried a remedy on him to see what would happen. The remedy was called tekka. Tekka is a black powder that is actually the charred residue of three or four vegetables that have been baked in the oven for about four hours making it extremely yang. To apply the remedy you mix the powder with a little tea and have the subject drink it. I gave this remedy to my son after the onset of one of his headaches and within two hours, the headache was gone. I was amazed. I keep this mixture, which is available at health food stores, handy at all times. I have not needed to use it again.
Discharge is a very complex issue with the body and we will discuss it more in another post. The most critical distinction to make here is that these discharge mechanisms need to be allowed to execute as much as possible so that toxins are removed from the body. Instead of treating these symptoms as an illness and trying to stop them, we need to recognize them for what they are and allow them to do their most vital work.
Thanks for reading.
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