Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Flu shots

I attended a senior citizen health care fair at my local center this morning and they were providing flu shots, of course.  Now before I changed my diet and lifestyle, I used to get the flu just like many other people.  That was before flu shots were available.  Since 1987 or so, I have not had the flu or anything remotely like the flu.  Why is that?

The reason is that I discovered what flu actually is.  Flu is an attempt by the body to discharge large amounts of excess that have built up over the summer season.  Flu may be triggered by various factors but the actual cause of the episode is the excess that the body needs to get rid of to balance itself.  Now the rule is, "No excess, no discharge."   So, after I changed my diet and started to balance my system, I went through a period of discharge but I came to a point where I had very little excess of any kind within my body system.  At that point I became basically immune to the flu and I have not had it since.

This system works so well that it is easy to get overconfident so beware.  I caution you not to become arrogant about your health because defects to your application of a good system can cause you problems.  Use a lot of common sense and get regular check ups with your doctor.

Get balanced, and you won't need that flu shot.

Thanks for reading.

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